Image database
Do you need image material of Hahn products for your own advertising media? We make available a wide selection of images for customers in the Hahn image database.
Personalised setting instructions
To ensure that your company is noticed on these as well, we offer you the option of personalising our professionally designed setting instructions using your contact data and company logo.
Hahn item number finder
Item numbers at Dr. Hahn have nine digits that are arranged systematically. They contain all essential information that are necessary for precisely identifying from countless hinge variations the right hinge for the respective application on the door.
Hinge positioning program
Are you dealing with odd-sized or extremely heavy doors? No problem! Our online hinge positioning program will not only help you calculate how many Hahn hinges are needed, but also tell you where to best position them for maximum performance.
Dr. Hahn declaration of performance
Starting on July 1, 2013, the Construction Products Directive (CPD) which has been in effect since 1989, was replaced by the new Construction Products Regulation (CPR).
Hinge guides
Tastes always change! That's why our hinge designs also change from time to time. We developed our guides for hinge identification to facilitate determining the type of hinge installed even years after the fact.
Hahn instructions app
The Hahn instructions app ensures that our adjustment instructions are always available to you wherever you are.
Click & Select – Catalogue
Compile your own individual product catalogue. Simply select the products you would like to include in your catalogue. You can then download, save and print your own catalogue.

More Informationen

Purchase conditions
In normal situations well-formulated purchase conditions should be found here. However, we know as well as you that these are normally not noticed and also confront your delivery conditions that may contain contrary regulations because both have not been coordinated with each other.
Simplified Customs Procedures
Dr. Hahn is an authorised economic operator (AEO) and we received as first enterprise in our segment from the customs administration the certificate for "Authorised Economic Operator" of the highest category.
Return query
The return of properly delivered, flawless hinges results in very high expenditures for us in terms of organisation. That is why we have re-organised the process in place before and the new process shall take effect now world-wide.